Year 11

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the future of NCEA Level 1 in Aotearoa | New Zealand?

In 2019, the then Minister of Education Chris Hipkins, made it clear that NCEA Level 1 is an optional qualification for schools.

2. Have other schools chosen not to fully assess NCEA Level 1?

Absolutely.  There are many schools within our region and nationally that have already announced that they will not be fully assessing NCEA Level 1, or are in the process of doing so.  Some local examples are Wellington College, Wellington Girls’ College, Tawa College and Wellington High School.

3. Will my child be assessed in Year 11?

Yes! All courses include Newlands College internal assessments and all ākonga will gain feedback through the assessment process. 

4. How will Newlands College prepare my child for NCEA Level 2?

All Year 11 courses use the national curriculum document which prepares students for NCEA Level 2 at Year 12.  All courses will include assessments which will give ākonga and whānau a clear picture of their academic progress.

5. Will my child sit any NCEA standards at all in Year 11?

Yes, we will assess some NCEA standards in English and Mathematics to support ākonga with gaining their Literacy and Numeracy co-requisites and prepare for NCEA Level 2.

6. Will my child sit examinations?

Yes, all ākonga will sit at least one examination in the NZQA run examination period in November.  Some ākonga will also sit the external Literacy or Numeracy test.

7. What pathways exist through to NCEA Level 2 and 3?

Year 11 courses allow ākonga to progress through to Year 12 where the minimum aim is to gain NCEA Level 2 as an exit qualification.

8. Does my child need NCEA Level 1 to gain NCEA Level 2?

No.  From 2024, NCEA Level 2 becomes a 60 credit qualification which ākonga will have the opportunity to complete.

9. How do students gain University Entrance?

Ākonga do not need NCEA Level 1 for University Entrance.  University Entrance is made up of Literacy and Numeracy qualifications, University Entrance Literacy, NCEA Level 3 and three University approved subjects with 14 credits. 

10. How will my child gain the new Literacy and Numeracy co-requisite?

Our junior English and Mathematics  courses have been redesigned to ensure robust teaching of functional Literacy and Numeracy.  Ākonga can gain this qualification prior to Year 12 through multiple assessment methods in Year 10 and Year 11.

Any questions or feedback please email to [email protected]

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