Student Leadership Opportunities

Executive: Prepare speech at the start of the year for student voting, interview with Senior Leadership Team, attend Executive meetings, work with designated teacher, create, organise/run/help out with events (1 major, 1-3 Minor events per term).


How to get there and reasons why:

      What it includes:

Head Students - Executive

“As a Head Student, focus on your strengths and interests in school, get involved to build friendships and leadership skills. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there, and be kind to yourself and others.” - From 2023 Head Student Qiana Ram.

“Head Student is an incredible leadership opportunity. Your skills are constantly tested. It is important to be prepared and eager to take on responsibilities for this role.” - from 2023 Head Student Oliver Temel. 

The demonstrational qualities to the right are the qualities you will have to prove you have when you are at the interview with the Student Leadership Team. 

  • Represent Newlands College at events in and out of school times.
  • Assist Ms Mills and other head students in running meetings for Student Executive, School Council and year groups.
  • Demonstrate 
    • Consistency
    • Availability
    • Organisational skills
    • Public speaking ability
    • Caring support for others as a representative of the school (so you collaborate better)

Board Student Representative - Executive

Board meetings emphasise the significance of student voice in the school. It is an amazing learning opportunity. If you're passionate about your peers, youth representation, and being a bridge for important decisions, this role is perfect for you!” - Adya Dutta Board Representative 2022 

Prepare your speech the previous year when students vote for you to represent their voice.

  • Attend Board Meetings (remunerated for this) Representing Newlands College as a student.

Sports Opportunities

Sports and Active Recreation Captain - Executive 

“You don’t need to be a master of all sports: you don’t even need to be good at any sport! All that is required as a Sports Captain is a deep passion for sport and great organisation skills. Go on, this sounds like the role for you!”

Hamish Browne 2023 Sports Captain

  • Ability to organise.
  • Work closely with the Director of Sport and Active Recreation to organise and run school sporting events (eg; inter house sports or staff vs students).
  • May be tasked with leading students in some inter school events such as Junior Triangular or AWD athletics.
  • Promote sporting opportunities and information in assemblies.

Sports Team Coach 

Being a sports coach is a role given to people who volunteer their time to support a team at both training and games. This role requires someone with passion and prior knowledge of the sport they are coaching, passing this onto their players. 

  • Time management skills are needed allowing you to be at training and games on time.
  • Communication skills allow you to clearly talk to your players about strategies and communicating to caregivers to know when trainings/games start and finish.

Academic Opportunities

Academic Captain - Executive

“Grades aren’t everything! Someone with great organisation and strong work ethic is as much of importance as someone who has a strong academic record. Our school is made up of unique people so be prepared to be thinking from lots of different perspectives” - from Ella Pan 2023 Academic Captain

  • Organise fun academic events and activities
  • Stay knowledgeable about academic information, including NCEA and university info, study methods, and tips.
  • Collaboration with others is important since you cannot handle all academic areas alone. You will work closely with teachers and the Deputy Principal with this responsibility and the Dean of Gifted and Talented who runs the GATE program.


Usually taken on by Year 13 and occasionally Year 12 students

  • Be knowledgeable on one or more subjects to teach to a younger year.

House Opportunities

Matai House Captain - Executive

“When the going gets tough the tough gets going.” Matai House Captain Joshua Pinpin 2023

  • Work closely with the House Staff Representative - currently Ms Andrews - to organise meetings and information for Matai Representatives.
  • Be prepared to be punished for rankings

Rimu House Captain - Executive

“Don’t fear putting yourself out there, because Rimu is going to want to match your enthusiasm. Also usually this person is really good looking.” - Rimu House Captain Izzy Godfrey 2023

  • Work closely with the House Staff Representative - currently Mr Taylor- to organise meetings and information for Rimu Representatives.
  • Be prepared to be punished for rankings

Kowhai House Captain - Executive

“Don’t let your fear of your failure stop you from succeeding, the first step to success is failing. If you’re scared to do something, do it scared.”  - Pedro Tscheliski 2023

  • Work closely with House Staff Representative - currently Mr Miller - organise meetings and information for Kowhai Representatives.
  • Be prepared to be punished for ranking

Totara House Captain - Executive

“By Representing and amplifying by showing your passion to the house. Love the colour green with all your heart.” - Justina Yamoah 2023

  • Work with House Staff Representative - currently Mr Robertson - to organise meetings and information for Totara and its house representatives.

House Deputy

Run for House Captain. You’re essentially the right hand person of the person who does get to be House Captain. Therefore, show passion in your house interview - just as much as you would if going for House Captain.

“A smile helps too.” - Alex Yip House Deputy 2023

  • Be available when the House Captain is not
  • Help make Executiveutive decisions with your house leader and house teacher leader.

House Representative 

Demonstrate a want for the role that the people voting for you can see, a leadership that your house captain can recognise, so you can be used as an asset.

  • Work with your house leaders and staff leaders in order to get organised for upcoming events. 
  • Ability to get people together and to participate in events - this is what your house captain will be getting you to do mainly.
  • Attend house events and get involved.

House Mascot

Be Awesome!

Communicate to your House Captain your awesomeness. This is not a fixed role: this person can change for any event.

  • Spread encouragement and house pride at tabloids and other inter-house events. 
  • Represent your house in a funny way.

Arts Opportunities

Arts Captain - Executive

“For passionate students with enough aroha for the arts to organise events throughout the year. No need for talent or taking every art subject, just an aroha for the arts is enough. Offers perks of Executive role with freedom to host creative events of your choice.” - Jess Curry Arts Captain 2023

Ability to present commitment to arts. Eg. Do you take the subject/extra curricular? Passion is sought in this leader.

  • Represent Music, Visual arts, Dance, and Drama at our kura.
  • Come up with school-wide arts events throughout the year and make them your very own and get participation up!
  • MC your arts events, Advertise arts events happening that are not your own, Run the NC arts instagram account

Dance Leader: Hip Hop, Lyrical, Jazz, Contemporary (Or make your own troupe!) 

Have previous dance training and knowledge. 

Ultimately, the dance program at Newlands College is entirely student-led and planned. It's up to your initiative and organisational skills to get the troupe together and audition.

  • Leading a group of dancers of any dance genre to dance in the variety show and in DanceNzMade regionals and even nationals for the highest scoring troupe.

Production: Lead role, Supporting Lead Role, Lead Dancer, Front Row Dancer 

Choreography crew 

Backstage crew

Stage manager

Annual Event. Audition through dancing with a group and singing individually with a group. Auditions for lead roles are through call-backs.

Choreography crew is usually appointed to a couple of seniors who lead a group of about six students who have proven to have effective dance experience. 

Backstage Crew organised by backstage teachers appointed per year

Stage crew and manager are voluntary and appointed through the Director and Producer.

  • Act for 4 nights and a matinee of the current years musical
  • Rehearse 2-6pm every Sunday until performance
  • Choreography crew choreograph all dances in production.
  • Backstage crew choreograph everyone backstage, make sure props and people are on at the right time.
  • Stage Crew wear black, draw curtains, put the props on and off stage.

Wellbeing Opportunities

Wellbeing Captain - Executive

“Such an amazing opportunity to make your hauora and aroha mark in the school,”- Adya Dutta Wellbeing Captain 2023

The role is focused on both charities and how the school can serve our community and how our students can benefit. Humanity must be close to your heart to earn this role.  

  • Creates and continues events focused on well being and charities
  • Run appreciation day!

Shift Representative

Shift is a government funded girls fitness group that keen students can run events for. Facilitated and delivered by Shift.

  • Run Shift events at Newlands College

40 Hour Challenge Committee

“If you are passionate about children's rights to water then join the 40 Hour Challenge Committee! We run awesome fundraising events at our college, with 100% of the proceedings going to the World Vision organisation. We get to create some friendly inter-house competitions too, getting students to take part in a challenge of their choice.” - Aarthi Canadai 40 Hour Challenge Committee representative.

  • Run awesome fundraising events for the World Vision
  • Help kids all around the world have access to basic necessities
  • Attend leadership conferences with other incredible people across Wellington
  • Come up with creative and unique events

Student Council Opportunities

Year 9 Year Level Representative

Become Form Representative for all roles, then get voted in by year group.

Jnr Disco + Legacy

Year 10 Year Level Representative

All year level reps attend regular School Council meetings and lead form rep meetings.

Jnr Disco + Legacy

Year 11 Year Level Representative

Refer back to the Executive members who are delegated to oversee your year group.

Semi Formal + Legacy

Year 12 Year Level Representative

Important, get your face and name known to Ms Mills (in hopes for Executive roles).

Ball + Leadership + Legacy

Year 13 Year Level Representative


Ball + Leaving Hoodies + Legacy


Cultural Opportunities

Pou Rangatahi  - Executive

Ngā Tauira Māori are invited to a start of year hui where you may put yourself forward/be nominated for Pou Ranagtahi. Typically deliver an impromptu speech stating your attributes and why.

This role is not decided through the student leadership team and is instead chosen by the Māori ākonga and kaiako. 

“With this role comes a variety of different responsibilities and obstacles, all of which can be navigated with a keen willingness to listen and learn.”

Ngaire/Mahera Wiki Pou Rangatahi 2023 

  • Uplift Te Ao Māori in our kura
  • Organise and lead Komiti Māori meetings
  • Work alongside Ngā Pou during relevant kaupapa
  • Representing Māori students in Newlands College
  • Attend Board Meetings for which you are remunerated.

Year Level Māori Representative

Ngā Tauira Māori hold a meeting to appoint two representatives from their respective year levels to create the Komiti Māori, guided by Pou Rangatahi, for the year. All Tauira Māori will meet and then be given time for each year level to come together and choose who will lead.

There is no “one” way to come to this decision, however you must take yourself to this meeting or have someone speak on your behalf (if you cannot make it) for you to be considered for this role.

  • Voice the opinions of your peers
  • Contribute/participate in kōrero around important kaupapa (e.g Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori)
  • Attend meetings with the Pou Rangatahi 
  • Run school-wide or community based projects/events
  • Demonstrate 
  • Manaakitanga
  • Kotahitanga
  • Matauranga Māori
  • Willingness to get involved
  • Leadership
  • Flexibility in thinking (Open-mindedness) 

Komiti Pasifika  - Executive

“You need to be able to listen to and understand your fellow Pasifika students and make close friendships with them. Be organised and open to new things.”

Kristina Taefu Komiti Pasifika Leader 2023

  • Leadership
  • Organisation
  • Public speaking

International Representative  - Executive

You need to be an International Student and be closely integrated with the International student body; attend international meetings, spend time in the Pavilion at interval or lunch (where the international students generally ) etc.

This is a position that is appointed by the International Student Director and Dean.

  • Be the voice of the international student body.
  • You also make sure that their time in NZ is worth it by giving plenty of opportunities for fun (organising events at school or even outside of school).
  • Be comfortable meeting new people and lots of them as international students come and go real fast.
  • Work closely with the International Dean to organise events.

International Student Buddy

When an international student is to arrive, you will be informed about the possibility of being a buddy. Sign up for it then.

Or keep your eyes peeled for when new students come.

  • Giving up some of your time to show your students around the school and basically just be their friend.

Head of Cultural Committee OR Cultural Committee Member 

Express your interest to the International Student Director/ Dean and it’s recommended to have experience in running events or projects and working with others.

  • Working with International Student Director and Dean and Head of Languages.
  • Attend International Student Committee Meetings
  • Weekly meetings with Committee
  • Working with deadlines
  • Working with performers 
  • Potentially working with Executive Members (Komiti Māori & Pasifika)
  • Attending and running Dress Rehearsals
  • Getting MC, tech crew, performers and spectators ready

*International Students will be able to participate in many leadership opportunities as long as they are able to stay at Newlands College for the whole period of the leadership (normally yearly) or have someone who is able to take the role once their role is finished.

Other Leadership Opportunities

Publicity Team

Capture events at Newlands college! Whether it be writing, filming or taking photos, the publicity team works together to showcase what Newlands College does. Work with an awesome team alongside the current teacher in charge Mr Mortensen to publicise events. Knowledge of camera equipment is useful but not needed.

  • Video events, edit those videos, present on Newlands college youtube. 
  • Attend regular Friday Form time meetings.

Tech Crew

Show availability, knowledge of equipment, ability to listen to the Teacher of Tech Crew and each other. Have a relatively positive attitude - this is a high pressure and high commitment job, only done by the best.

  • Run tech crew at assemblies, events, auditions. 

Peer Support Leader

Train in Year 12, become one in Year 13. Convince through training, the people who lead and deliver Peer Support, that you have the attributes and skills to represent Newlands College to the new Year 9 cohort.

The presenters make it known that you don't have to be a certain person to get this role. They want diversity to demonstrate this to the new Year 9 students.

“Being a Peer Support Leader is critical in getting onto the Executive as this role demonstrates social skills, empathy, listening skills, motivation to encourage others and an active commitment to inclusion.  - Ms Mills, Deputy Principal

  • Attend peer support training, Peer Support Camp, run sessions on Fridays and continue your relationship with your Peer Support students throughout the year.

Start/Run a Club

Starting a club shows/takes initiative and passion. Will look great on scholarships!

  • First, find a teacher who is also passionate about the reason you want to start a club, eg: a christian teacher for a christian club. You need them to oversee your room.
  • Find a time and date (before school/lunch time).
  • Find an available room/place. 
  • Run your club weekly. Mainly up to you.


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