POL.1.3.6 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (International School Learners)(Ratified 30.10.2023)


This policy outlines the School’s purpose and benefits for the enrolment of fee-paying International School Learners. By enrolling International School Learners, the School aims to promote internationalisation, providing opportunities for students and staff from different cultures to work alongside each other in teaching and learning, providing different perspectives in order to develop each individual’s understanding of other cultures.  Our goal is for all our students to become connected global citizens, ready to live and work in the diverse and connected modern world.


1. To develop cultural understanding and insight in our students to enable them to become global citizens

2. To foster international cooperation and relationships now and in the future

3. To enable exchanges of benefit to language learners, and other learning and co-curricular areas such as history, geography, social studies, economics, sports, cultural activities, etc

4. To provide the School with additional funds to enhance quality teaching and learning

1. Newlands College will be compliant with all aspects of The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code).

2. International School Learners will be enrolled at Newlands College under a Contract of Enrolment in accordance with Section 2 of the Education Act 1989.

3. Appropriate staff and resources will be allocated by the School for the recruitment, administration and pastoral care requirements of International School Learners.

4. There will be clear procedures in place which relate to this policy.  

The Principal shall institute Procedures to effect this policy.
All requirements and/or procedures relating to this policy must coincide with the practices as outlined in the Code of Practice which is reviewed annually.

POL REFUND CONDITIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (International School Learners) (Ratified 30.10.2023)


  1. If a Student withdraws from their course of study before the completion date, they may be eligible for a refund of fees.
  2. The refund conditions must align with our obligations as a member school of SIEBA (Schools International Education Business Association) and the International Student Application Form and Contract of Enrolment.


  1. In every case, the School undertakes to look fairly at requests for a refund of fees or part-fees.
  2. The School will consider all requests received in writing to the Principal for a refund of International School Learner's fees. Requests must be made in writing to the School as soon as possible after the circumstances leading to a request.
  3. A request for a refund should provide the following information to the School:

    1. The name of the Student;
    2. The circumstances of the request;
    3. The amount of refund requested;
    4. The name of the person requesting the refund;
    5. The name of the person who paid the fees;
    6. The bank account details to receive any eligible refund; and
    7. Any relevant supporting documentation such as receipts or invoices.

4. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all refunds will be paid into the nominated bank account, which may be a bank account in the source country. Fees incurred by the School for payments into a foreign bank account will be deducted from the refund.

Non-refundable Fees

5. The School is unable to refund some types of fees. The following fees relate to expenses that the school may have paid or will incur as a result of receiving an application for enrolment and cannot be refunded:

    1. Administration Fee: Administration fees meet the cost of processing an International School Learner's application. Administration fees exist whether an application is accepted or not or whether a Student remains enrolled after an application is accepted;
    2. Insurance: Once insurance is purchased, the School is unable to refund insurance premiums paid on behalf of the Student. Students and families may apply directly to the insurance company for a refund of premiums paid;
    3. Used Homestay Fees: Homestay fees paid for the time the Student has already spent in a homestay cannot be refunded. Used homestay fees will include a notice period of two weeks;
    4. Portion of Unused Tuition Fees: The School may retain a portion of unused tuition fees. Amounts retained will relate to costs that have been incurred or committed by the School and may vary; and
    5. Other Costs Incurred: Any other costs already incurred.

Request for a Refund Prior to Enrolment


  1. If the Student fails to obtain an appropriate study visa, a refund of International School Learner's tuition fees will be provided less any Administration Fee that has been paid.
  2. If the Student withdraws before the start of their enrolment, owing to medical or travel conditions arising from Covid19, the School will provide a full refund of fees.

Request for a Refund – voluntary withdrawal prior to enrolment:

7.If the Student voluntarily withdraws prior to the start date of their enrolment, a refund of International School Learner's fees will be provided less any relevant non-fundable fees set out in this policy.

Request for a Refund – voluntary withdrawal after enrolment:

8. The ten week notice period will begin the day after the date on which the School receives written notice of the Student’s intention to withdraw.

9. If the Student voluntarily withdraws on or after the start date of their enrolment, reasonable written notice of withdrawal is required.

10. Unless otherwise agreed by the School,  a refund will be provided less a minimum of ten (10) weeks tuition fee and any other relevant non-fundable fees set out in this policy.

Request for a refund for enrolment of one term or less

11. Where the Student is enrolled for one term or less and withdrawals early, or where the School terminates the Student’s enrolment, any unused portion of International School Learner's fees will not be refunded

Request for a Refund – where the School fails to provide a course, ceases as a signatory, or ceases to be a provider:

12. If the School fails to provide the agreed course of education or is no longer a signatory to The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021, or no longer operates as an international education provider, the School will negotiate with the Student or their family to either:

  1. Refund the unused portion of the International School Learners tuition fee or other fees paid for services not delivered; or
  2. Transfer the amount of any eligible refund to another provider; or
  3. Make other arrangements agreed to by the Student or their family and the School.

Where the Student’s enrolment is ended by the School:

13. In the event the Student’s enrolment is ended by the School for breach of the Contract of Enrolment, the School will consider a request for a refund less:

    1. any non-refundable fees set out in this policy;
    2. ten weeks tuition fee from the date of termination; and
    3. any other reasonable costs that the School has incurred in ending the Student’s enrolment.

If an International Fee-Paying Student changes to a domestic student during the period of enrolment

14. If the Student changes to a domestic student after the start date of their enrolment, reasonable written notice of the change is required by the School. Unless otherwise agreed by the School, a refund will be provided less a minimum of ten weeks tuition fee and any other relevant non-fundable fees set out in this policy. The ten week notice period will begin the day after the date on which the School receives written notice of the Student’s domestic student status. As a domestic Student, the Student will be required to live within the School’s zone.

If an international fee-paying student requests to transfer to another signatory:

15. If the Student requests to transfer to another signatory after the start date of their enrolment, reasonable written notice of the transfer is required by the School. Unless otherwise agreed by the School, a refund will be provided less a minimum of ten weeks tuition fee and any other relevant non-fundable fees set out in this policy. The ten week notice period will begin the day after the date on which the School receives written notice of the Student’s intention to withdraw.

Request for a Refund  - of Homestay Fees

16. If for any reason, the Student withdraws after the start date of their enrolment, any unused homestay fees will be refunded, less any relevant non-fundable fees set out in this policy.

17. Where a Student moves from a School homestay and requests a refund any unused homestay fees, will be refunded less any relevant non-fundable fees set out in this policy.

Request for a Refund - of Fees Unused at the end of Enrolment

18. Except by written request from parents, prepaid fees unused at the end of enrolment amounting to less than NZ$100 will be refunded to the Students nominated bank account. Sums of NZ$100 or greater will be refunded into a bank account nominated by the Student’s parents.

Outstanding Activity or Other Fees

19. Any activity or other fees incurred by the Student during enrolment and owed to the School at the time of withdrawal, will be deducted from any eligible refund.

Compassionate Refunds

20. In exceptional circumstances, refunds may be granted on compassionate grounds (e.g. death of a close family member, serious illness, accident). 

21. All such refunds will be at the discretion of the Principal.

 Rights of families after a decision regarding a refund has been made

22. A decision by the School relating to a request for a refund of an International School Learners fees will be provided to the Student or their parent or legal guardian in writing and will set out the following information:

    1. Factors considered when making the refund decision;
    2. The total amount to be refunded; and
    3. Details of non-refundable fees.

23. The Student and the their parent or legal guardian has the right to take a grievance to the Code Administrator or Disputes Resolution Scheme in the event they are dissatisfied with a refund decision made by the School.


24. The New Zealand Immigration Service will be notified if any Student ceases to attend Newlands College for whatever reason.

25. The Principal shall institute Procedure pursuant to this Policy.

26. This policy will be reviewed as part of the annual self-review.

POL. SCHOOL FEES PROTECTION FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (International School Learners) (Ratified 30.10.2023)


International School Learners Fees must be processed in a manner that is consistent with normal accounting practice. Funds need to be secure from misappropriation, and be available to the Student in accordance with the Refund Policy and in accordance with The Educational (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 should the School not be able to continue to provide tuition. Funds should only be made available to the School once the income associated with those funds has been earned.


  1. To ensure that funds from International School Learners are accounted for in such a way that individual student contributions can be monitored and protected.
  2. To ensure in the event that the School is unable to continue to run a course or programme the unspent portion of the fees is available to be returned to the Student.
  3. To ensure that refunds of fees can be made to the Student in accordance with the Refund Policy.
  4. To ensure that funds are released to the School in a timely manner once the revenue associated with those funds has been earned.


  1. Funds from International School Learners fees will be separately coded and accounted for.
  2. There will always be access to funds to refund unspent international fees throughout the year.
  3. Accounting and administration procedures are in place to record and identify funds held on behalf of each individual student.
  4. Funds shall be released to the School for course costs not more often than monthly, in arrears. Where funds are held by the school on behalf of other parties (e.g. homestay payments) then funds shall be released for payment as required.
  5. Accounting records and bank accounts will be audited on an annual basis.
  6. Details of this Fee Protection Policy will be provided to parents in written form upon enrolment.
  7. The Principal shall institute Procedures pursuant to this policy.

POL. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT (International School Learners) MEDICAL AND TRAVEL INSURANCE POLICY (Ratified 30.10.2023)


  1.  To ensure the safety and well-being of the students studying at Newlands College.
  2. To ensure that the School is protected in the event of an emergency.
  3. To ensure compliance with The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021.

 Policy Requirement Advice

  1.  All students are required to have appropriate and current medical, travel and personal effects insurance for the duration of their planned study, as specified in the Code.
  2. The education provider shall advise all prospective students of the standard wording as set out in the Code of Practice, and provide information on the education provider’s medical and travel insurance requirements.
  3. Students purchasing insurance must purchase insurance cover at the time of fee payment and before they leave their home country.
  4. Where insurance is provided from a New Zealand company, policy details should be provided in the Student’s first language where possible.
  5. In the case of overseas policy providers, Students must provide the School with the policy details in English, before the Student attends classes.

Verification of Policies

Verification of policies will be undertaken prior to enrolment in accordance with The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021.

As part of the verification process Newlands College shall ensure that:

  1. The insurer/re-insurer is a reputable and established company with substantial experience in the Travel Insurance business, and has a credit rating no lower than A from Standard and Poors, or B+ from A M Best.
  2. The Insurer is able to provide emergency 24-hour, 7 day per week cover.
  3. Students have a “certificate of currency” and policy wording from the Insurance company stating that the Student has purchased the cover for the duration of the planned period of study. The certificate and policy wording must also detail medical sums insured, repatriation benefits etc.

Where a Student is not in possession of an appropriate and current medical and travel insurance policy the School undertakes to:

  1. Advise the Student of the medical and travel insurance requirement.
  2. Provide the Student with a default policy or policy choices which meet the requirements of the Code Guidelines.

The cost of default insurance will be met by the Student.

Recording of Policy Details

For each Student Newlands College shall record the:

  1. Name of the insurer
  2. Policy number
  3. Policy start and end dates

Policy Renewals

For each Student, prior to the expiry of their medical and travel insurance policy Newlands College shall issue a written reminder to the Student advising that policy renewal must be completed.

POL. ACCOMMODATION POLICY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (International School Learners) (Ratified 30.10.2023)


 Newlands College undertakes to comply with the accommodation provisions set out in The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021. The categories of accommodation that will be accepted by the School are:

  1. Living with their natural parent or legal guardian
  2. Living with a designated caregiver
  3. Living in a homestay arranged by the School

Policy Objectives

  1. To provide a suitable living environment conducive to study and a safe and supportive home life.
  2. To involve the residential caregivers in the welfare of a Student away from the Student’s family and home country.
  3. To assist the Student to successfully integrate into New Zealand life.
  4. To ensure the Student is well cared for and supported by the School.

Provision of Accommodation

Newlands College will arrange homestay accommodation for International School Learners who are not staying with a designated caregiver or parent.

Use of Accommodation Agents

Newlands College will not make use of accommodation agents to organise and monitor student accommodation.

Administrative Requirements and Understandings


  1. No Student, regardless of age, will be permitted to rent a flat/room/house/apartment or live on their own.
  2. All accommodation queries and pastoral care issues or concerns arising from accommodation arrangements will be referred to the Homestay Counsellor.
  3. For each Student, the full name, current address, contact phone number, occupation and relationship to Student of the residential caregiver will be held.
  4. Any serious concerns relating to accommodation will be reported to the Code Administrator for The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021.

  Students Not Living with a Parent

 For all Students not living with a parent:

1. Any accommodation to be used by International School Learners will have:

  • An on-site assessment to determine that living conditions are of an acceptable
  • An assessment to determine that the accommodation type is not a boarding
  • An assessment of the residential carer’s suitability and whether they will provide a safe physical and emotional environment. 

2. Each Student will be interviewed at least quarterly to ensure that their accommodation is suitable.

3. All accommodation residences will be visited twice yearly to ensure they remain suitable.

4. Safety checks, including Police vetting will be carried out on all adults aged 18 years and over living in a homestay, or designated caregiver accommodation used by a Student.

5. Newlands College will conduct follow up visits if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the accommodation has become unsuitable.


6.  The School will have written Residential Caregivers Agreements with all homestays.

7. The School will have written Homestay Accommodation Agreements with all Students and their families.

 8. Students in the School homestay programme must make homestay payments in advance

of the commencement of their programme. These are held by the school on behalf of the Students and paid to host families in regular payments. Remaining homestay fees at the end of enrolment will be refunded according to the School’s refund policy.

9. Students staying in a homestay are required to exhibit appropriate behaviour. Where a student’s behaviour or demands are such that homestay hosts cannot reasonably be expected to have the Student continue in their care, they must notify the provider immediately. The homestay service may be discontinued and the Student may be sent home.

10. Where the homestay Student wishes to withdraw from the programme, at least two weeks notice must be given in writing to the International Student Director. These may be refunded according to the School's refund policy.

11. Advice and a support infrastructure for homestay carers will be provided by the Homestay Counsellor.

Designated Caregivers

  1. The School will have written Designated Caregiver Agreements with all Designated Caregivers.
  1. The Monitoring of Students living in designated care will be managed in accordance with this policy and the Designated Caregiver Agreement.

 Temporary Accommodation:

  1. The School will assess the suitability of the accommodation considering the age and gender of the students.
  2. The School will ensure adequate supervision is in place for all Students.
  3. The School will ensure all pastoral needs of the Students are met including meal and laundry.
  4. The School will ensure that supervisors undergo an appropriate safety check.
  5. The School will monitor and manage risks to Students.

Divisions of Responsibility

Newlands College will be responsible for:

  • Providing a 24/7 emergency contact person for problems with accommodation.
  • Selecting, monitoring and approving all accommodation.
  • Providing a support infrastructure for homestay carers.
  • Recording the results of all accommodation assessments.
  • Recording the results of all quarterly student interviews.


Newlands College will expect all Homestay and Designated Caregivers to provide a safe and friendly, living and studying environment as detailed in the Homestay Carers Handbook provided by the College.

The Principal shall institute procedures to effect this policy.

Renew: The School shall review this policy as part of the annual self-review.

POL. Managing Recruitment Agencies Policy (Ratified 30.10.2023)


This policy is to provide clear and consistent guidance for relationships between the School and education agencies. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Agency Agreement, and The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021


The School will sign agreements with all education agencies who recruit students for the School.


The School will enter into working relationships with reputable agencies, once a reference check has been carried out and all supporting documentation has been submitted by the agency, i.e. an Agency Application Form, and other supporting documentation the School deems necessary. Results of reference checks will be recorded by international staff. 


New Zealand is a signatory to the Statement of Principles for the Ethical Recruitment of International Students by Education Agents and Consultants (To be known as the London Statement of Principles) and operates under The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021. Recruitment agencies will be informed about, and will comply with the requirements of the Code and the London Statement of Principles.


Where agencies are found to contravene the Code and/or the London Statement of Principles, the School will apply the appropriate sanctions as detailed in the Agency Agreement.


The School will pay commission to the agency as set out in the Agency Agreement. The commission rate will generally be 15% of annual tuition fees and the School reserves the right to make other commission or incentive arrangements with selected agencies by special negotiation.

The School will generally pay commissions to contracted agencies upon receipt of an invoice. Commission payments will be made within 4 weeks after the Student has commenced at the School and is subject to the tuition fee being received by the School.

The School may elect to make special arrangements with trusted agencies to allow the agency to withhold commissions from tuition payments due to the School. Such arrangements are at the sole discretion of the School and no commissions should be withheld by an agency without prior agreement from the School.


A formal approach to the Code Administrator where a Student is unable to access a School’s internal grievance process or is dissatisfied with the outcome of that process.

Where a student does not see out the entire period of their enrolment at the School, the School may, on a case by case basis, decide whether or not to request a refund of all or any part of any commission fees paid to an agency.

The School will have no obligation to pay commission fees to any agency with whom the School does not have a signed Agency Agreement.


The School will review the conduct and performance of its agencies as a part of an annual self-review. The School will collect and record appropriate evidence of agency reviews.


The staff member in charge of international education will report directly to the School Principal on the performance of the School’s contracted agencies and report any breaches of the Code that may lead to the termination of an agency contract. 

The Principal shall institute procedures to effect this policy.

Renew: The School shall review this policy as part of the annual self-review.

POL. Supervised-Groups Policy (Ratified 30.10.2023)


This policy outlines factors that will be considered when managing supervised groups enrolling at the school. This policy should be read in conjunction with The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 and the Education Act 1989.


Newlands College has developed a Supervised-Groups Policy:

  • To ensure that students enrolling at the School as part of a group are properly supervised
  • To ensure the safety and well-being of the Students and the quality of academic and social education of all International School Learners studying at the School.
  • To ensure compliance with The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021. (The Code). 

A supervised group is considered to be:

  • Two or more International School Learners travelling together in New Zealand under the supervision of a person or organization other than Newlands College, and enrolling at Newlands College as International School Learners for periods up to three months. 


  1. To promote international understanding and enhance globe citizenship at Newlands College
  2. To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all supervised-group students that enrol at Newlands College
  3. To consider the particular needs of students enrolling as part of supervised groups and ensure the administration and pastoral care provided for supervised-group students meet the requirements of the Code.


Newlands College will enrol supervised-group students on the ENROL system as per Ministry of Education Guidelines for groups to ensure that these students are recorded as International School Learners.


The International Student Director will ensure that we do not accept any supervised-group students through an education agent without first following our policy and procedures for the management of education agents, including having a signed and current Agency Agreement with the education agent.

In order to ensure that Newlands College and an education agent understand and meet their duty-of-care for the Students, the International Student Director will draft, and ensure that both parties sign a memorandum of understanding for each supervised-group. The memorandum of understanding will provide details of the group including, expected number, ages and genders of students, arrangements for group supervision and accommodation, agreed pricing schedules, important timelines, program requirements and the roles and responsibilities of both parties.


Newlands College will ensure that supervised-group students stay in appropriate accommodation as defined in the Code.

Appropriate accommodation may be:

  • Residential caregiver. This includes school homestays and the school hostel
  • Hotel, motel, unlicensed hostels or other supervised-group accommodation options
  • Staying with students’ parents or legal guardians




The Code requires that all students enrolled with a signatory for 2 weeks duration or longer must have appropriate insurance cover. In order to better fulfil our duty-of-care for all international students enrolled at Newlands College, this policy requires all international students to have appropriate insurance cover including those who enrol at the school for less than two weeks.

Newlands College will therefore ensure that all supervised-group students have appropriate insurance for the duration of their enrolment, and if practicable, for the duration of their time in New Zealand including travel between their home country and New Zealand. Insurance policies, whether arranged by the School or the Student or their family, will be deemed to be appropriate if they provide cover for:

  • medical expenses to the value of NZ$1,000 000 to unlimited
  • repatriation or expatriation of the Student as a result of serious illness or injury, including cover of travel costs incurred by family members assisting repatriation or expatriation; and
  • death of the Student, including cover of:
    • travel costs of family members to and from New Zealand; and
    • costs of repatriation or expatriation of the body; and
    • funeral expenses


Newlands College will ensure that groups enrolling at the School have proper supervision. The number of supervisors and the type of supervision for a group will be negotiated and detailed in the memorandum of understanding. Factors in deciding proper supervision will include:

  • The number of Students
  • The ages and genders of the Students
  • The duration of the visit
  • The levels of Students’ English language proficiency
  • The activities that the Students will be involved in

If Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) activities are undertaken, the School’s EOTC guidelines will determine appropriate supervision ratios and other safety measures put in place for these activities.


Supervised-group students will be provided with an orientation on arrival as per the School orientation procedures.


The School will ensure that all Students enrolling as part of a supervised group will have the appropriate visa to study at Newlands College

 The Principal shall institute procedures to effect this policy.

Renew: The School shall review this policy as part of the annual self-review.

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