Student Leavers


On confirmation from whānau, collect a ‘Leavers Form’ from the Principal's PA located in the SLT corridor. This form is required to be completed and returned; this ensures that all kura owned property remains with us for others to use.

Prior to leaving please ensure you return the following:

  • Books that have been issued to you to the library
  • Sports gear to the sports office
  •  Locker keys to Student Reception


Leavers - Electronic Data

As your time at Newlands College draws to an end, you will need to think about what you want to do with your college electronic documents, files and emails.

When you leave Newlands College, your college computer accounts will be suspended and eventually all your files and accounts will be deleted from the college system, and if you have not taken a copy of them, then you will not be able to recover them.

Please do not delete assessments or unenroll yourself from your google classrooms. Your assessments may still be needed by the college for NCEA moderation or issuing derived grades. The following instructions are for you to copy your data (not delete) so you can access your work when you no longer have access to the college.


Google Drive and Mail

There is more than one option to download your google drive data.The first option is the easiest.

  1. Google Takeout (transfer your data to a personal gmail account). Go to this link, enter a personal gmail account (you may have to set one up), verify it and transfer your google drive and email to it.
  2. Google Takeout (download your data to a zip file)

To download all of the data stored in your google account, you can download it using Google Takeout. This will create a zipped up file of all of your drive content as well as all emails and other data. You can then open that data in other programs such as Microsoft Office. Instruction video is here.


Files in your H: Drive:

This probably only applies to art design and photography students, as most other student work will be on google drive.

Option 1: You can copy all the files you want onto either USB stick(s) or a USB hard drive. 

Option 2: You can email the files as attachments to any external email account you have, but there may be limits to the size you can email. 

Option 3: You can upload files to your personal Google Drive or another online storage option like dropbox. This may take some time for large files (like Photoshop .psd files).  

If you need assistance - please see Mr. Wilde or Mr. Milmine

The ICT team would like to wish you all the best as you transition from Newlands College.

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