School Reports

We have two types of reporting at Newlands College:


  1. Written Reports


Our written reports are published twice a year for each student and they focus on students' learning progress. They are published in Terms 2 and 3 for seniors and Terms 2 and 4 for juniors.  They are emailed directly to parents and can also be found on the Parent Portal.


  1. Me Whakamātau Reports


These reports are focussed on how students demonstrate our overarching value of Me Whakamātau (we work hard to achieve together) in class through collaboration, engagement in learning and students striving to reach their full potential. These three areas are marked on a three point scale of: 


- Developing

- Sometimes demonstrates

- Consistently demonstrates 


The Me Whakamātau Reports are published once a fortnight and their purpose is to give whānau a quick snapshot of their children's engagement in learning.  They are emailed directly to parents and can also be found on the Parent Portal.

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