Heads of Faculty

* To email a Head of Faculty use the format: First letter of first name+last [email protected]
Arts - Mr Rowan Clark - MMus, Dip Tchg
English - Ms Amelia Griffiths - Ba (Hons), Dep Tchg
Health & Physical Education - Mr James Taylor - BRS, Dip Tchg
Languages - Mr Jonathan Skinner - BPhEd, Dip Tchg
Learning Support- Ms Debbie Shakesheave-Thomas - BEng (Hons), PGCE
Mathematics - Mr Paul Widdowson - BSc, Dip Tchg
Science - Ms Aimee Furness - BA, BSci, BTchg
Te Ao Mārama - Matua Tyson Ratai - BA, Dip Tchg
Social Sciences - Ms Karen Forsyth - BA in Professional Education
Technology - Ms Toni Tippett - PostGrdDip in Applied Practice, MindLab, BA (Hons)