POL. 1.1.1 TREATY OF WAITANGI (Ratified 27.11.2017)


  • The Treaty of Waitangi constituted the partnership between the Māori tribes and the British Crown representing all non-Māori settlers (te iwi Māori me nga ope tauiwi).
  • This partnership relationship continues.
  • The College and its wider Newlands community acknowledges the privileges and obligations arising from that partnership, particularly the need for the partners to demonstrate respect and behave equitably. (Refer POL. 1.1.2 Equity)
  • The College aims to foster that partnership by providing a learning environment that respects and involves Māori culture and language so that, through mutual respect and understanding, all students can develop self-confidence in both cultures.


  • Governance policies, management documents and plans must contain a statement about the implementation of the Rationale.
  • Appropriate resources shall be made available to implement the Rationale.
  • Staff training in tikanga Māori shall be undertaken.
  • Tikanga Māori shall include matters arrived at through consultation and negotiation between staff and tangata whenua.
  • The day to day functioning of the College’s organisation shall demonstrate a recognition and use of aspects of tikanga Māori by:
  • the use of te reo Māori
  • providing facilities sympathetic to Māori values
  • by the College’s general attitude
  • All staff shall give recognition to the needs of Māori learners, including diverse ways of teaching.
  • The Principal shall institute Procedures pursuant to this Policy.

Appendix: Extracts from Selected Statutes

Treaty of Waitangi Act, State Sector Act, Human Right

POL 1.1.2 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION (Ratified 14.06.2021)


1          Learning is enhanced by the College ensuring that no student, whānau or staff member is disadvantaged in their dealings with the College because of their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion, cultural, social or family background.

In this policy, this is termed “equal opportunity”; satisfying this is termed “equitable”.

2          Equity as used in this policy is demonstrated by, for instance:

2.1       organising departmental resources, and their availability, in an equitable way.

2.2       fostering understanding of the meaning of equity in students and whānau   by the example of staff as role models.
1          Syllabuses will be interpreted and applied in a way that ensures equitable learning.

2          Programmes of Learning will incorporate learning opportunities to meet the interests, backgrounds, cultures and needs of all students.
3          Classroom management practices will support all students in the learning environment.
4          Equitable access to resources for all students will be ensured on a day to day basis.

5          The language used will be respectful and inclusive.

6          Any discriminatory behaviour will be dealt with in a way that affirms the rights of individuals.

7          The Principal shall institute Procedures pursuant to this Policy.

POL 1.1.3 CURRICULUM (Ratified 29.07.2019)


1          The Curriculum is the sum of all teaching and learning activities at Newlands College.

2          The curriculum shall:

  • Follow national guidelines.

  • Provide and facilitate the widest possible range of learning programmes, both in and out of the classroom.
  • Ensure that all students have ample opportunities to fulfill the School Vision for Learning.
  • Focus on quality teaching and learning so that each student is challenged to experience success.
  • Promote attitudes, skills, and values for life-long learning and achieving.

3          Delivery of the Curriculum is multi-faceted and includes the academic programme, co-curricular and Education Outside the Classroom activities.

  • Guidance and pastoral care complement academic achievement and co-curricular participation.


1          The school will provide a range of opportunities to engage the wider school community in the development of the curriculum to meet local needs.

2          Information about the school curriculum will be available on school website.

3          Each Head Of Faculty is responsible for implementing curriculum programs, and for monitoring their effectiveness.

4          Students learning is to be assessed and reported to parents and caregivers.

5          The Principal shall institute Procedures to pursuant to this policy.

POL. 1.2.5 TE REO ME NGA TIKANGA MĀORI (Ratified 27.11.2017)


1. By this adoption, the College undertakes to embody New Zealand’s dual heritage consistent with the Treaty of Waitangi by creating for all its Māori students, education programmes which embrace and encourage tikanga Māori (culture) and reo (language).

2. The purposes of this policy are to:

2.1 affirm the rights of Māori students to access and uphold their culture and language within the school environment

2.2 affirm the uniqueness of Māori customs and language
2.3       create an environment within the school that supports tikanga and te reo Māori to be practised by Māori students and others

2.4       recognise and promote, between Māori and non- Māori (tauiwi), shared:
2.4.1    cultural understanding

2.4.2    equal commitment and responsibility to each other.


 1. The College shall:

  • ensure it has the capacity and capability to offer and implement te reo Māori and tikanga programmes for Māori students and others
  • offer and implement appropriate workforce development opportunities for staff to deliver and uphold te reo Māori me ona tikanga (culture and customs) within the school environment
  • offer opportunities for Māori students to take leadership roles within the school community and for students to feel their contributions are valued
  • ensure that where decisions directly affect the education or welfare of Māori students, Māori parents and their community will be actively engaged in the decision making process
  • ensure that it creates appropriate forums and opportunities for the Māori community and parents of Māori students to participate in wider school decision making.

2.The Principal shall institute Procedures pursuant to this Policy.



1          The Board is required to monitor the delivery of curricula and be assured

            that courses conform to the requirements of the relevant national education guidelines.

2. That Board members need to have up to date curriculum knowledge as required.

3. That the Board needs to be assured that the curriculum standards complies with relevant national education guidelines, and that necessary resources have been made available, where possible.


1          Pre-planning:  By the end of August each year each Head Of Faculty (HOF) is to provide for the Principal an analysis of impending curriculum changes, including new courses,  to include with the Budget request for the following year, stating:

  • a breakdown of what the changes are
  • identification of materials/equipment needed to implement change
  • identification of staff training needed to implement the required changes (who and what)
  • any other requirements/support needed

2          Annual Reports:  HOF

  • Current Annual Goals that support the Strategic Plan will be part of the previous year’s Faculty’s Annual Report.
  • Final report will include an analysis of the goals which will be supported by relevant data.
  • Analysis of Variance will be available online for the community

3. Regular written reports on curriculum development and student achievement, to be tabled by the Principal at Boardmeetings, as part of their monthly report.

4          The Principal shall institute procedures pursuant to this policy.



1. Safety of the students is paramount.

2. To broaden all students’ experience of recreational options available to them now, and as adults, and for students to appreciate the natural resources of New Zealand and abroad.

3. To develop personal qualities of reliability, self-respect, self-discipline, concern for others.

4. To encourage participation and provide avenues for leadership.

5. To offer an opportunity for students to achieve success in pursuits and activities which can only be experienced outside the college environment.

6. Non-staff persons at college activities facilitate many extensive extra-curricular programmes.

7. Both college authorities and non-staff persons need the expectations, privileges, and responsibilities of non-staff at college activities made clear.

8. Other non-staff persons at activities outside the classroom include family member/s or friend/s of the college staff. This is particularly so when the staff are giving up personal or family leisure time to assist college activities.


1. All students shall have opportunities to experience learning outside the classroom each year.

2. A variety of curricula shall include use of the outdoors as a learning resource.

3. All EOTC experiences shall endeavour to develop the students' respect for the environment.

4. All EOTC experiences that involve overseas travel must be approved by the Board.

5. A risk management assessment is to be carried out prior to every activity and approved by the Senior Management Team.

6. All staff, including non-staff involved with EOTC shall manage programmes in a responsible and professional manner, and with regard to all school policies and procedures.

7. The teacher in charge of an activity will make non –staff aware of this policy.

8. Non-staff members shall not form intimate or sexual relationships with any student(s).

9. All off-college activities (including sports teams) require at least one staff member or other designated person to be responsible for and be with each team or representative student group. However if the activity requires overseas travel, the minimum required staff number is two.

10. This policy will be used in conjunction with policy, Health and Safety 5.1.1

11. Restraint of a student is permissible only if verbal warning or reprimand is considered likely to be ineffective or too late and a person’s welfare considered to be in jeopardy.

12. The Principal shall institute Procedures pursuant to this Policy.

POL.1.3.6 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (Ratified 29.10.2024)


This policy outlines the school’s purpose and benefits for the enrolment of fee-paying international students. By enrolling international students, the school aims to promote internationalization, providing opportunities for students and staff from different cultures to work alongside each other in teaching and learning, providing different perspectives in order to develop each individual’s understanding of other cultures.  Our goal is for all our students to become connected global citizens, ready to live and work in the diverse and connected modern world.


  1. To develop cultural understanding and insight in our students to enable them to become global citizens
  2. To foster international cooperation and relationships now and in the future
  3. To enable exchanges of benefit to language learners, and other learning and co-curricular areas such as history, geography, social studies, economics, sports, cultural activities, etc
  4. To provide the school with additional funds to enhance quality teaching and learning


  1. 1. Newlands College will be compliant with all aspects of The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice, 2021.
  2. International Students will be enrolled at Newlands College under a Contract of Enrolment in accordance with Section 2 of the Education Act 1989.
  3. Appropriate staff and resources will be allocated by the school for the recruitment, administration and pastoral care requirements of international students.
  4. There will be clear procedures in place which relate to this policy.  

The Principal shall institute Procedures to effect this policy.

All requirements and/or procedures relating to this policy must coincide with the practices

as outlined in the Code of Practice which is reviewed annually.

POL.1.4.2 CURRICULUM DELIVERY (Ratified 14.06.2021)


1          The framework for curriculum delivery at Newlands College is the Strategic Plan.
2          The Strategic Plan is required by the Ministry Of Education to deliver the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC), including the curriculum values and key competencies.
3          The Strategic Plan is underpinned by the implementation of the relevant national education guidelines.
4          Appropriate management structures and procedures shall be implemented so that these national guidelines shall be able to be actioned and outcomes evaluated.
5          The Strategic Plan, and Annual Plans shall determine the allocation of resources, staffing appointments, and the annual calendar of activities.
1          The relevant national education guidelines form the basis for planning curriculum delivery.
2          The relevant national education guidelines will be actioned by the Board , through the Principal, to:

  • implement learning programmes based upon the underlying principles, stated essential learning areas and skills, and the NZC Achievement Objectives.
  • monitor student progress against the NZC Achievement Objectives.
  • analyse barriers to curriculum delivery
  • develop and implement strategies which address identified learning needs in order to overcome barriers to students' learning
  • assess student achievement, maintain individual records and report on student progress
  • The relevant national education  guidelines are implemented. The implementation of the guidelines will be monitored annually..

3          Each year the College will provide regular reports to whānau.  These will contain accurate and clear information about skills, attitudes,  achievement levels and values, of each student, referenced to NZC Achievement Objectives and/or NCEA standards.
4          Each Faculty is responsible for monitoring its  performance and learning outcomes, both over the school as a whole and for particular groups, e.g. Māori and Pasifika peoples. Programmes of learning will be adjusted to meet the needs of these students.
5          Each year, every Faculty will present  a written statement to the Principal as part of the Faculty Annual Report, on the overall progress and levels of achievement of students in the previous year.
6          Ngā Pouwill monitor, evaluate and report outcomes for Māori as laid out in the Strategic Plan.
7          Each year the College will carry out self-review. This will include the evaluation of programmes, and the utilisation of resources. The results will be reported by Faculties in their Faculty Annual Reports.  

8          Each year the College will carry out self review of the teaching staff as they complete their Professional Growth Cycle.

9          The self review will also include a performance review of curriculum teacher aide assistants.
10        The Principal shall institute procedures pursuant to this Policy.



1          Students are provided with regular feedback and feed forward on how well they are learning.

2          This is provided through a programme of regular assessment and evaluation, including feedback and feed forward.

3          Individual student assessments and evaluations are useful to:
3.1       students themselves, to understand and respond to their own next steps for             learning
3.2       whānau to understand and support their child(ren)'s learning.
3.3       teachers, to gauge individual and class uptake of learning and to plan for ‘next learning steps.

4          Data on the achievement of various groups of students (achievement by subject, year group, ethnicity, gender etc.) is useful to:

            4.1       classroom teachers and Head of Faculty (HOF) so that they can:

-       evaluate their teaching programme and make necessary changes for    future programmes
-       where necessary set goals for the following year address and any identified gaps in student learning.
            4.2       Senior Leadership and the Board to monitor the effectiveness of teaching and learning programmes.

            4.3       Our Community

5          To satisfy these individual, whānau and teaching requirements, the College:
5.1       routinely provides students with individual assessments and evaluations of their learning
5.2      regularly reports to parents/caregivers on individual student achievement
5.3       annually reports to the Community on the achievement of groups of  students.

1          Assessments can be either formative, e.g. providing guidance for student achievement or summative, e.g. data for NZQA in the case of a derived grade or internal assessments.

2         Assessment tasks and activities will be designed to assess student performance against the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) Achievement Objectivesor NCEA standards.

3          Assessment will generally be standards-based.

4          Relevant and timely feedback will be provided to all students about their progress.

5          The college shall report formally in writing to whānau about their child(ren)'s demonstrated learning. Reports will provide information on levels of achievement that the student is working at.

6          Evaluation of teaching programmes and goals formulated to address any identified gaps in learning are documented in individual Faculty Annual Reports and discussed by HOFs with Senior Leadership.

7          Data from Faculty Annual Reports is used by the Board to evaluate the progress made in meeting the goals set in the Strategic Plan.

8          Data from Faculty Annual Reports is used by the Principal to report to the community.

9        The Principal shall institute Procedures pursuant to this Policy.

POL. 1.5.1 SPORT POLICY (Ratified 29.11.2021)


 Newlands College students are encouraged to participate in sport; to develop their skills, leadership, positive relationships and to reach their potential.


 To provide a coherent and comprehensive management structure to play sport all year round that is participant-centred.

  • To provide a wide range of physical activity and sporting opportunities that meet the needs and wants of students and are high quality, stage-appropriate and fun.

  • Ensure young people develop their leadership skills through school sport opportunities, including officiating, coaching and administration.

  • To ensure that the NZSSSC “Fair Play” principles are the framework for all sporting activity. (See Appendix 1 – NZSSSC Integrity Framework: Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures)

  • To support students to work towards their sporting goals and aspirations.

  • To provide a safe and supportive environment.

  • To provide adequate facilities and equipment for sport.

  • The Principal will institute procedures to effect this policy.

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