Pasifika Support

Tālofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Ni Sa Bula, Kia orana, Noaˈia, Malo ni. 


At Newlands College, we aim to provide as many opportunities for Pasifika success as possible. This support is offered in multiple different ways throughout the school. Teachers learn educational strategies for curriculum delivery through professional learning using Tapasā and other documents provided by the Ministry of Education to ensure a culturally supportive learning environment. 


Student voice plays a large role in designing our Pasifika culture here at school, with a Pasifika Komiti who meets regularly with the Pasifika Representative on the student executive. We also include the wider community with termly Fonos, which ensure a streamlined vision of Pasifika achievement and well being between college, student and family. 


Student leadership opportunities continue in co-curricular activities, with opportunities to lead Poly Club, Sāsa Competitions, Staff vs. Student volleyball matches, fundraising opportunities and Pasifika Language Weeks. 


We also provide Pasifika Career Expos, Toi Whakaari Performances and Pasifika Art days throughout the year which help students connect with their culture and inspire them for their future.

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