4 November 2019
Kia Ora tatou
Pena ka haere tonu, a te wā ka taea, ka mau
You will get there if you just keep going.
(Dame Whina Cooper)
It has been a busy few weeks since the final term has begun. In the last three weeks we have had two Art exhibitions, the Spring Serenade, the Arts Awards, the Celebration of Sport, and the Senior Prize Giving. All of these events have given us the opportunity to celebrate the achievement of our students, and recognise their efforts during the year.
Dux Litterarum: Amber Zhu and Brandon Ru
Proximae Accessit: Isaac Andrews
Wesley Broughton Award (Top year 12 Academic Achiever): Ray Wu
Year 12 Runner-Up: Victoria Bain
Top Academic Achiever Year 11: Kimberly Zhu
Year 11 Runner-Up: Katie Chu-Fong
Earlier in the term we also held our Celebration of Arts and Sports Awards. The recipients of some of the key awards were: