News from the Principal's Desk

4 November  2019

Kia Ora tatou

Pena ka haere tonu, a te wā ka taea, ka mau

You will get there if you just keep going.

(Dame Whina Cooper)

It has been a busy few weeks since the final term has begun.  In the last three weeks we have had two Art exhibitions, the Spring Serenade, the Arts Awards, the Celebration of Sport, and the Senior Prize Giving.  All of these events have given us the opportunity to celebrate the achievement of our students, and recognise their efforts during the year. 

Dux Litterarum:  Amber Zhu and Brandon Ru

Proximae Accessit: Isaac Andrews

Wesley Broughton Award (Top year 12 Academic Achiever): Ray Wu

Year 12 Runner-Up: Victoria Bain

Top Academic Achiever Year 11: Kimberly Zhu

 Year 11 Runner-Up: Katie Chu-Fong

Earlier in the term we also held our Celebration of Arts and Sports Awards. The recipients of some of the key awards were:

Celebration of Sports Awards

Male Sports Person of the Year: Matthew Nel

Female Sports Person of the Year: Lauren Smith

Achieving to the Highest Level in Sport: Lauren Smith

Outstanding Contribution to Leadership and Sport: Isabella Gates

Junior Sports Person of the Year: Suizannah Kelekolio and Ngahau Tepaa

Performing Arts Awards

Kapa Haka Person of the Year: Zion GodwinPolyclub Person of the Year: Renata Iva-Reedy
Media Person of the Year: Stella Blomfield

Writer and Speaker of the Year : Gabbi Conway

Actor of the Year: Issac Andrews
Musician of the Year: Senuka Sudushinge and Rhona Symon-Pellatt
Visual Artist of the Year: Keeley Waller

Moana Williams Cup for Dance: Brooke Newman

At the recently held College Sport Wellington Awards evening, which celebrates and awards the top students in the Wellington region for their sporting achievements, we were delighted that Milly Mackey was announced as the top female rugby player for 2019.

At the same event we two former students Phil Burrows and Kyle Pontifex were inducted into the Hall of Fame. Both had played well over 150 games of Hockey for New Zealand.  They join former student Jodi Te Huna (Netball) who had already been inducted.

When our senior students left last week we held special assemblies for each level.  At these assemblies students were awarded certificates for personal excellence, service to the school, and the student leaders were able to present their thoughts about the year. The Year 13 assembly also included some wonderful film footage that covered the five years that they had been here and an insightful farewell speech from Mr Anquetil, their Dean.  As is now becoming a tradition, the Year 13 students received a farewell haka from the juniors.

Haka to the Year 13 students

Haka to the Year 13 students

While NCEA begins on Friday 8 November for the seniors, there is still a full programme of learning for our juniors. They will be having their examinations starting on Friday 8 November. The students' Deans and Teachers have been discussing with them what is involved and how to prepare properly for these.

A three day discovery programme, always an exciting time, will be held on 27-29 November. This is an excellent opportunity for the students to try many different activities that they might not have done before. Junior Prizegiving will be held on Wednesday 4 December at 7.00 pm with the final assembly for Year 9 and 10 on Thursday 5th December.


Nga Mihi Nui



Grant Jones

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