University Entrance

Internal Assessment Procedures for National Qualifications

Internal Assessment Procedures for National Qualifications

At the Start of the Year
By the end of the second week the Course Outline and the Assessment Procedures for each subject involving Internal Assessment will be made available to students. It will contain:
• a list of the topics covered
• details of assessments for internal and external standards 
• a general timetable for assessments
• authenticity requirements

Assessment Tasks
Before the assessment takes place, students will be provided with:
• The title and a brief description of the standard
• The generic criteria for Achieved/Merit/Excellence
• Other required information including: assessment criteria, due date, time provided, resources

Examinations and Practical Assessments
Formal school examinations are held in Term 3. Other assessments are integrated into the courses of study and held at various times throughout the year.

Deadline for Submitting Assignments set as homework
All assessments must be handed in by 8.40 a.m. on Monday to the Deans' Room (or as stated by the Assessment Schedule). If a student submits an assessment after the deadline or if they truant from any lesson(s) in order to complete work for assessment, they will not be awarded credit for their work.

Contact with Teachers
All contact from students to teachers regarding assessment matters received between 5.00 pm on Friday and 8.40 am Monday will not be answered until after 8.40 am on Monday.

Appealing the Teacher's Judgement
• Every student has the right to appeal any assessment related decision. These decisions may be made by a teacher and relate to authenticity, missed assessments, extension of due date, reassessment and resubmission or misconduct.
• Some appeals will relate to marking of work for assessment. When an assessment is returned the student should check it to see that everything has been marked and that the marking is correct. If it is, they will sign the cover sheet to signify acceptance of their result. The right to appeal lapses when a student signs acceptance or after five school days have elapsed since the marked assessment was returned to the class.
• If a student appeals and the teacher agrees, the judgement will change. If the teacher doesn't agree with the student, the student has the right to appeal to the HOF (using the Newlands College form) who will make the final decision. If the student is not satisfied with this then they may appeal to the Principal's Nominee. The final appeal lies with the Principal.

• A student must alone complete the work that they submit for assessment for internally assessed standards. Any information and materials that are the work of others should be acknowledged in a bibliography or resource list.
• Ongoing assessments will include checkpoints or require students to keep a logbook (which will be marked regularly).
• If there is evidence that a student has copied work from another student, colluded with another student in the preparation of an assessment task, let another student copy their work, or copied from other sources then the work will be awarded 'not achieved' and the student and caregiver informed. The HOF will deal with the matter in consultation with the student's teacher.
• Where there is doubt about the authenticity of a piece of work, the relevant HOF, the Principal's Nominee and a Deputy Principal may be asked to give independent assessments of the work in question.

• The principles of the Privacy Act 1993 will be followed by the staff. Teachers should not allow students to have access to other students' grades. Students need to give permission if their work is used as exemplars for other students.

Storing Assessments
It is school policy that the subject teacher stores all NCEA internally assessed work. Students will also sign the marked work to show that they have accepted their result. This is so that if students contest their grade or apply for Derived Grade, all their work is available to check.

Recording and Reporting Grades
• When an assessment has been completed, work will be returned to the student. If a student questions a result they should be reminded of the appeal procedures.
• For externally assessed standards, no results can be given but school reports will signpost expected achievement based on work assessed during the year.

Not Achieved grades will be reported as follows:
X (Withdraw)
Student leaves school before the opportunity given to complete the assessment.
Student arrives at school after the opportunity to complete the assessment.
A student, in consultation with the teacher, states from the outset that they do not want to be assessed against a particular standard and they make no attempt to provide any work or evidence.
Student has an illness that prevents them from having an adequate opportunity to achieve the standard.
Student has been given an adequate opportunity to achieve the standard but has not provided sufficient evidence to be awarded A, M or E.
Student is in a course and decides on their own that they do not want to do an assessment.
Student has failed to achieve the first assessment opportunity but there will be a reassessment opportunity at a later date which the student will most likely achieve. i.e; record as N now, can be changed after the reassessment.Don't leave as blank.
Student goes on holiday and misses the opportunity to achieve the standard.

What happens if a Student misses an Internal Assessment Deadline?
• If a student knows that they are going to be legitimately absent for an assessment then it may be possible to make arrangements for an alternative date using the ‘missed assessment' form. However if a student has an absence of 2 weeks or longer, then they won't have covered the work. Teachers are not expected to re-teach the content required for a specific Achievement Standard or conduct an assessment after the set date.
• If a student was legitimately absent (i.e. they were ill/injured, family bereavement) then a ‘missed assessment' form must be completed within three school days of the student's return. This is the student's responsibility. Forms can be obtained from the Student Reception or Principal's Nominee.

  • The Head of the Faculty concerned must countersign the form that the student is given. A Doctor's Certificate may sometimes be required if the reason is illness or injury and this must state that the student was sufficiently unwell that they could not come to the assessment on that date.

Derived Grades (formerly Compassionate Consideration) for NCEA Examinations 
In case of injury, illness, bereavement or other event that influences performance in the external examinations the student or care-giver must contact the Principal's Nominee, preferably before the examination. Applications for medical reasons require a derived grade form filled in by a medical practitioner. Except in extreme cases, students are advised to sit the examination.

Further assessment Opportunities
If the work submitted by a student for assessment fails to reach the standard required to achieve then in most cases the student will be awarded a ‘Not Achieved' grade. The student may be given one further opportunity for reassessment if practicable.
If a further opportunity for assessment is offered to any student, it must be made available to all students entered for that standard.
Students will be awarded the highest grade over both opportunities.
Those standards where reassessment opportunities are available will be indicated in the course information posted on moodle.
In some instances a student may be given the opportunity to resubmit their work. It is the teacher's judgement that will determine if a student is given this opportunity. The judgement will be based on the following:

  • The assessment activity will usually be a major undertaking for which it is difficult to give a reassessment opportunity (e.g. work based on a field trip).
  • The student's work will have minor errors or omissions which the student should be capable of discovering and correcting on their own but the overall quality of the work presented is at the required standard.
  • Where appropriate the student will be supervised during a lunchtime under examinations conditions while the additional work is completed.
  • Resubmission must happen before the teacher gives any feedback to the whole class.
  • Only a general indication of which aspect of the work needs correcting will be given by the teacher.

Misconduct during a School Based Assessment
If a student's behaviour during an assessment interferes with the ability of another student to perform the assessment task, the offending student will be removed and will receive no credit for the assessment. The supervisor will decide what course of action is appropriate for the disadvantaged student e.g. extra time; re-start (as for a speech).

It is a student's responsibility to ensure that they are entered for scholarship subjects. Consultation with the teacher in charge of the subject is essential.

Entry and Fee Collection 
Students must pay a fee for National Qualifications. If fees are not paid, then the student concerned will not receive a record of achievement and an NCEA certificate.

Fee structure for domestic candidates

Entry for all NCEA standards - $76.60
Scholarship entries - $30.00 per subject 

Fee structure for International candidates

Entry for all NCEA standards - $383.30
Scholarship entries - $102.20 per subject

Fees are due in Term Three.

Financial Assistance 
Students and their families are urged to apply for financial assistance if any of the following criteria apply:
• The student is in a low-income family (eligible for community services)
• Income Support is provided for the family or student 
• If two (or more) members of the same family are entered for NCEA and their total fees are more than $200.

Applications are due in Term Three. Please contact the Principal's Nominee for details as soon as you are aware that you may be eligible.

Special Assistance
Applications for special assistance in assessments are made through the SENCO. Please contact her ASAP to inquire about eligibility.

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